"Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself." Nietzsche

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 05 June 2004 09:31:53

Sadly, I have nothing interesting to say so today I'll just point people in the right direction.

If you've found your way to Literatea by searching for any internet personality test, check out the latest archive.

If you've found your way to Literatea by searching for a quote, read my blog (including all of the archives), bookmark it, and then make your way to the best quotations place on the interwebnet. I probably found the quote you're looking for there.

If you've found your way to Literatea by searching for any "Trojan Condoms"-related information then this is what I wrote. Please ignore the 2x spelling mishtak. Other than the short diatribe against the Most Poorly Executed Advert of 2004, I've no other information for you. Especially for whoever was looking for name of the model. Sorry.

If you've found your way to Literatea by searching for anything else then welcome, stay around if you please (or go somewhere else if you prefer) and read the excellent A-Z Guide to the Spinsterhood if you haven't already.

Here's a little link to keep you amused (I think). Nigel is talented but has a short attention span...don't let him stop! Leave a comment, visit him three times a day, harrass him if you must.

That is all. Wow! I did have something to say after all.