"So, like us, let your children run wild and free, because....

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 17 March 2005 15:15:29

...as the old saying goes, let your children run wild and free." Homer Simpson

What Happens The Day Before A Youth Weekend Away:

  1. You refresh your first aid skills by going over the manual

  2. You have a cup of tea and a sit down because reading about all those amputations and arc eye and bleeding from various orifices and what to do with teeth that have come out (you put them back in, by the way, and get your casualty to the A&E) has made you come over all squeamish

  3. You update your weblog

  4. You collect bibles/paper/pens/white board markers/dvds/cds/twister/scrabble/ping pong balls/matches and about a trillion other things which you probably will forget to use over the course of the weekend

  5. You really, really hope that the calm you are experiencing is just one due to your excellent administrative qualities having done this at least twice a year for the last six years, rather than the sort of calm you'd experience before the onslaught of a large, teenaged hurricane-type storm.