"Then close your eyes and tap your heels together three times. And think to yourself, 'There's no place like home'." The Wizard Of Oz

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 08 April 2003 15:56:00

Today I've been cataloguing all the photos we've taken over the last five years I've been doing youthwork at my church.

It's great fun cos I'm sure one day someone will pick up a photo and go "Ooooh, I remember that!" or "I wonder who this was" or "Oh look at Louise, isn't she gorgeous".... (tehe) so hopefully the loving care we've taken with them will bring enjoyment to somebody somewhere one day when I'm gone and the young people are all grown up with chiddlers and degrees and things.

What a five years... it's been interesting. Wery wery interesting. I feel so old! Somebody tell me 23 isn't old... go on, make my day.

Take care ya'll