"A word to the wise does no good. It's the stupid people out there that need the help" Bill Cosby

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 15 April 2003 11:40:00

Okay so today we're going to look at Stupid Leaders. There are a lot of them out there, but I guess you can't have a complete grip on reality if you're going to lead a bunch of people in this hazycrazy world we live in.

Loopy Leader of the Day is President Rolandas Paksas of Lituania, a country rising up in the ranks of current world nations as it is poised to enter the European Union.

Recently many of his Lithuanian countrymen were cringing at the President's insistence to continue to rely for advice on local mystic Lena Lolisvili.

Among Lolisvili's methods for healing people: She wraps them in toilet paper, which she believes God has energized for her.