ah rage

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 20 October 2008 10:45:50

I have been a bit rageful this week. There are so many layers of university administration that get in the way. I suppose it's practice for for the hospital system in 2010.

However, on the plus side, I have located accommodation for my South Coast elective. Hurrah for that! That was a bit of a concern because that starts a week after I get back from North. And the likelihood of reasonable internet access at North is low.

On the minus side, the road trip to the North Coast is 800km. That'll be a long drive...

On the plus side, Pooka didn't beat up three little white fluffy dogs the other day. AND was very restrained when two people on horses went by the dog park (it's not fenced. Thankfully the sign says no horses in the bush beyond the park). That could have been a disaster.