I've been most remiss!

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 10 April 2005 07:57:27

How many days without wiblogging?! Three! Or thereabouts!

So. There is not much by way of news and current affairs. I have worked a bit since Thursday. 17 hours to be precise. I have also done a bit of sleeping, watched a soccer game (against a very nasty team) and gone shopping.

Ah shopping. I don't like it much. However it had to be done. The list and results were as follows:

1. Wallet. Success! It smells nice and leathery.
2. Jeans. Success! I hope I like them.
3. Shoes. Success! Not sure yet... but they came with a free t shirt.
4. Contact lense solution. Fairly successful.
5. Book. Yes.
6. Car key. Done.
7. T shirts. Yep.
8. No snack food or chocolate. Hurrah! I did it! But then came home and ate chocolate... You know, I think cadbury might have changed the recipe for fruit and nut. It tastes different. It couldn't be the new packaging could it?
9. White coat. Failure. But then I wasn't looking very hard for this and didn't expect to find one. And I did find a white shirt that will suffice for the moment.
10. Light weight jumpers. Failure. They all either had high rolly necks or very deeeeeep V necks. I like a more conventional neck on a jumper. Ya know, just NORMAL.

Not too bad really. Not too bad at all.