getting old

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 11 November 2005 02:35:06

I know that I'm getting old when I enjoy a Greek Salad for lunch and don't find myself pining for hot chips.

However I am chasing the salad down with Darrell Lea liquorice bullets. Which are very good for those searching after a good bullet (that could be interpreted in many ways... for example, people could be searching for a golden bullet to vanquish a were-rabbit!).

I have not done much on my to do list yet today. Items remaining are:

1. Banking. This is important because if I forget to get change, the weekend people will be a bit cross.
2. Check blister packs (things with people's medication in little blisters for morning, afternoon, dinner and bedtime doses)
3. Call Richard the rep and discuss the discrepancies between what he ordered and what we received.
4. Something to do with deliveries.... organise them perhaps?? Not too sure.
5. Sort out another ordering debacle which is actually nothing to do with me but remains my problem. Gah.
6. Ask my assistant to go to the bank and the post office and the fruit shop. On Tuesday she bought me a mango and some strawberries and they were delicious!
7. Eat some more bullets.
8. Some other thing involving filling out forms.
9. See 8
10. Put some of the new moisturiser with tanning thing in it on my account.

Surely that's enough to be going on with!