for Liza

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 23 January 2006 03:57:54

I don't usually tend to do this sort of thing but just this ONCE! And Liza I hope you don't mind that I cut and pasted from your livejournal so some of our answers might be the same...

Four jobs you have had in your life

1. Student pharmacist
2. Pre-registration pharmacist with the evil boss
3. Pharmacist in charge with the nice bosses
4. Pharmacist in charge at a different pharmacy where I have never met the boss

(I'm seeing a common theme here...)

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

1. Princess Bride
2. Strictly Ballroom (for sing along value)
3. erm... to be honest I don't really like watching movies over and over again. I can't sit still long enough.

4 Places You Have Lived

1. I've only lived at one place I'm afraid. Right here. So my remaining three places will be places I'd like to have lived.
2. The Chalet School! In the Tyrol.
3. United States during my school years (clearly not at the same time I was at the Chalet School). Maybe elementary school in the US and high school at the Chalet School... or maybe the other way round so that I could learn languages and how to ski when I was young.... yes)
4. England.

4 TV Shows You Love To Watch

1. House
2. Scrubs
3. The Simpsons
4. The Family Guy

4 Places You Have Been On Vacation

1. West Coast USA
2. Six Western European countries (er... France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Holland)
3. Woy Woy NSW
4. Vietnam (well I will have by next week)

4 Websites You Visit Daily
1. Intueri a weblog by a psychiatry resident that interests me.
2. Over My Med Body! - a med student weblog. I'll have a med student weblog in 3 weeks people!!
3. Gmail
4. The Wibsite!

4 Of Your Favorite Foods

1. Pad Thai! It's a love/hate relationship
2. Watermelon
3. Cherries.
4. Oh! Chocolate!

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now

1. New Zealand
2. Vietnam (If I'm already there I don't have to be anxious about getting there!)
3. Antarctica. Wouldn't be as hot as it is here!
4. erm.... Austria!