Some driving hints

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Date: 04 August 2008 06:38:17

1. Trucks and buses can be utilised as lane-changing aids due to their slow acceleration at traffic lights.
2. It's not "lost". It's an adventure!
3. Bright green or orange late model Holden Commodores are fairly good indicators of impatient drivers.
4. Excitable dogs should have car harnesses.
5. Car lollies (translation: sweets/candy) are best if not the sort rolled in granular sugar (eg. jubes). The sugar goes everywhere.
6. Leaving a very large gap in front of you greatly decreases driving stress and improves fuel consumption and brake pad wear (less stopping/starting - coasting makes use of momentum). It's not hard - you just don't drive as close to the car in front. This also helps traffic flow. Go on, try it! Especially if you drive an orange or green Commodore.
7. If it's too hot in the car and you're not on a freeway, try opening the windows. This also saves fuel consumption (not at freeway speeds though) and can be rather pleasant.
8. Watch out for garbage bins in the middle of the road.
9. Never assume that a car with indicators on is going to turn.
10. Always fill your wiper washing water thing when it's empty.