So how's this for excellent timing?

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 24 August 2008 12:21:38

Dee and I were discussing yesterday how it would be a good idea to have a wibmeet involving pizza, Fanta Zero and Balderdash. I like playing Balderdash you see. And I am on holidays in not too much time now.

The only problem was that neither of us had the game, hence it would have to be obtained.

Well today I saw a friend for scones and iced chocolate, and she brought along a birthday present that she'd bought for me months ago. Drum roll! It was Absolute Balderdash! Which is Balderdash but more so! How exciting!

So yes, wibloggers and readers in the Sydney area, there will hopefully be a wibmeet involving pizza, Fanta Zero and Absolute Balderdash some time in the next 7 weeks, after the 24thish of September and at some time to accommodate those with 9-5 jobs. Register interest and/requests for days (I was going to say dates, but I don't think there's enough of me to go between all the adoring male fans here) here. I will probably start a thread later some time.