shopping trip musings

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 12 September 2006 07:00:52

1) At my shopping centre they have replaced the centre directory boards with interactive screens that talk at you. What was wrong with the old boards? They had a map on them. I can read maps. Hence if I were "Here" and the place I desired to get to was at K11, I could look at the map and work out how to get there. Now I have to press the screen to say what the shop starts with. Then I have to scroll through the list because it only puts five items on each page. THEN when I select the shop that I am wishing to know the location of, it BRIEFLY flashes up the location in words and then goes straight to an animation of how I should get there. EXCUSE ME?! I don't wish to interact over finding a printing shop. I just want to know where it is dammit!

2) While I was waiting for my printing to be printed I wandered around. I bought a lightbulb and some liquorice bullets. And a berry smoothie. THEN on my way back to the printing shop, a lady asked if I would do some market research for $20. That took 20 minutes. And paid for all my purchases including the printing. Hurrah!

3) Why can't I buy 120 page spiral bound notebooks with margins and non-perforated pages? I don't want my pages to fall out. And I must have margins and don't want to rule them myself. My stash is running low but I can't find a new source anywhere! Maybe I will email Spirax and discuss it with them...