holidays and whatnot

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 November 2006 01:19:23

So a few nights ago, a friend and I were chatting on msn (er I mean studying) she mentioned how she was going to India this summer but now the tickets are too expensive. So I said "let's go to New Zealand instead!". The reasons for NZ - it's close, cheap, still counts as overseas (just) and there are no snakes. And it's pretty. And I've never been there.

We looked around and found some cheap tickets and are almost definitely going on a jaunt there just for 5 days at the end of January. It's not a major holiday, but it's still exciting.

So suggestions on things to do in the South Island (we're flying in to Christchurch)? Hiring a car is quite possible, but extreme feats of fitness are probably not within the realms of my capability.

In other news, my uni holidays start in 2 weeks and I am ever so excited. We have an exam on the last day of term. This is a bit stressful in that it's an exam. It's less stressful due to it being a formative exam (yes, regular readers who've been paying attention may have noticed that I haven't had any exams that actually count this year) . I do need to do a lot of learnage however. And this makes me tired. Hence wiblogging has been a bit sporadic as I've either been busy or weary a lot recently.