The wiblogging position

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 17 November 2006 10:04:48

I feel a bit concerned that there are some here who are unaware of what the wiblogging position is. And I'm not sure that I am at liberty to disclose that information in such a public location. The details of the wiblogging position and acceptable variants were thoroughly explained in the Top Secret Dossier For New Wibloggers that was issued when I had passed the necessary character and aptitude tests to become a Wiblogger. Clearly some people have not read their Top Secret Dossiers!

However perhaps it might be permissible for me to disclose the wiblogging positions. Maybe some sort of photographic depiction would be appropriate. I mean, just because people haven't read the required material doesn't mean that mispositioned (who'd have thought that Firefox would accept mispositioned as not being a spelling error??) wiblogging is acceptable!

In other news, I've finished my exams (all two of them) and am now on holidays for many glorious weeks. Hurrah!