cycling to victory

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 14 December 2006 12:13:39

I have thought, for quite a while, that I'd quite like an exercise bike. It seems like the best exercise solution for me for a number of reasons:

1. Low impact on my rather fragile knees and ankles
2. A real bike is not a good plan with the rather hilly topography of my area. And lack of safe riding paths.
3. I wouldn't need to leave the house to exercise
4. I could read while exercising
5. A lot harder to fall off a stationary bike.
6. Wouldn't have to wear a helmet
7. Doesn't involve all the faffing around of swimming
8. Good starting point for people with little/no aerobic fitness

I had not discussed this desire of mine with my family until today because I didn't think my parents would appreciate another object in the house. However today I brought up the topic with my mother. Good move! She was very excited and said that she'd pay half and use it too. Hurrah!

So tonight, the brother and I went out looking for a bike to make me fit. I think that this is what I will probably get. The mother said that for her, a comfortable seat was important. For me, a place to rest my book was very important. The mother agreed with this. So that bike seems to fit the criteria. It was comfortable, had a book rack and a place for a drink, quiet... seems good. A bit more $$ than I expected but the cheaper ones all felt very cheap.

Ideally, the features I'd like in a bike (but am unlikely to find, let alone find in my price range) are:
1. Self powered computer that tells you how far you've been etc
2. AC out jack so that my exercise can contribute to the power supply for my house
3. A place for my laptop to rest (this would work well with the AC out)
4. Some sort of food equality calculator... eg. "You have now exercised off a large sized mars bar or a bread roll with ham and salad". That would be cool.