answering questions

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 19 March 2007 12:36:27

1. Why a plastic goat? Why not? And at $1.50, how could you not buy it?
2. How do I file my Chalet School books Well I am not a filing books type of person.... they are on my shelves in the section with other books from the genre, however there is no alphabetical component to the ordering of the section. However I believe that the appropriate place in an alphabetical system would be under D. As far as I could tell in EBD's biography (acquired from Maddie during the last WISE exercise), Dyer was her surname. I have lent the bio to a friend but will confirm this when she returns it. Or possibly Maddie could consult her copy and enlighten us.
3. Why a plastic goat? Why not?
4. Why a plastic goat? Because it was there! And it was only $1.50! And who knows when it might come in handy!