Wiblog entry for 19/05/2007

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 19 May 2007 08:21:11

I'm sure that I have observed before that medical school shares a lot of similarities with kindergarten - lots of colouring in, dressing up as doctors, being of no functional importance but a source of amusement to our seniors... yes. I would like to state, or re-state if I've already said it, that I am WAY better at drawing and colouring than I was in primary school. If I went back to kindergarten now I would so be top of the class.

That's not to say I'm particularly wonderful at such things now, but my pictures do at least tend to resemble what I was aiming for.

This afternoon I have been studying neck anatomy. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the neck contains very neatly packaged bundles of stuff. I'd previously thought it was all a bit of a free for all in there. But no, there is a bundle with the trachea/larynx, oesophagus/pharynx, thyroid and parathyroid glands, two bundles with blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels (one on each side) and another bundle with the vertebral column and some muscles and stuff. These bundles are all wrapped in fascia, then around the outside of all of them is another layer of fascia. Marvelous.