
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 June 2007 11:38:57

It's rather chilly tonight. The herald website says it's 14 degrees in Sydney, but I suspect it's a lot lower than that at my house. I could go outside and turn on my car and it would tell me what the temperature is. But that would make me even more cold!

Have I mentioned that we tend to avoid heaters in the House of Yay? We have one air con that does heat, but, well I'm downstairs and it's upstairs and hot air rises and stuff. It is excellent for drying clothes. We don't have a drier. I suspect that having the air con on heat for a couple of hours uses comparable power to having a drier on for that long - less moving parts.... So it's actually more efficient than a drier because it serves two purposes - to dry clothes AND to keep us warm.

Luckily the brother has just brought me hot chocolate :)