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Date: 03 July 2007 05:26:01

I just had to call a government department who are not known for being pleasant to deal with (the people who give money to students and people without jobs etc) and it was a surprisingly pleasant experience:

1) After pressing four buttons to get me to the right department, a real person answered after 2 rings! And unlike last time I didn't have to go through the rigmarole of of the answering computer asking me what my PIN was and me telling it I don't have one and it saying "I don't understand" and me getting frustrated and hanging up on it.
2) The lady I spoke to was lovely!
3) She answered my main question
4) She was also happy to sort out my other issue that I've been procrastinating about telling them for a while (opening a high interest account) AND didn't give me a lecture for not having told them sooner (it's meant to be within 14 days... this happened last October)
5) She gave me the preferred (but not published!) drop-in hours for my local branch so that I could take them a copy of my bursary letter and they wouldn't get angry.
6) Made pleasant small talk while waiting for computers at each end to find information
7) Didn't get impatient when I had to log into my bank accounts to find out how much was in them, and was very excited when I told her how much interest my new account gives me.

All in all, rather a miraculous Centrelink phone-call.