The problem being...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 01 June 2009 10:39:39

.... that I can't be bothered to plug in my camera to display my picture of the day. But that's ok - if I forget to do anything interesting tomorrow I will have something up my sleeve.

Despite being back at Mothership Hospital today, I was still lost. The Mothership was built in the "New Bits Tacked On Every Decade" style (cf. Kid Central Hospital which was deliberately built this way all at the same time - see artist's impression below) and the emergency department is housed in the newest tacked on bit, along with paediatrics and maternity. I did my emergency stuff elsewhere and haven't done obstetrics yet, so it is a bit unfamiliar to me. But I felt disproportionately lost. Then I realised that I haven't been at the Mothership for clinical stuff since rotation 6 of third year. I think this would have been about August last year. So I think I am justified in being a bit lost.

In other news the mother took Pookles to training on Saturday and TWO trainers confirmed that they think Pooka is ready to do the test for level 2. They also said she is lovely and very intelligent. But we already knew that.