I'm not mad

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 07 December 2008 21:26:21

I had a strange dream last night.

I'd accidentally sent a weird text message to my pastor (it was half a message intended for someone else - somehow fumblings on the keypad resulted in a few words being sent to the wrong person), and his reply was something to do about mousse. And my reply to that was going to be something about a mousse in a forest. Yes. Mousse. Not moose.

Another part of the dream was that I was at beach mission, and the guys had decided that instead of hanging our clothes out on bog-standard clothes lines, they were going to construct clothes lines up high in the trees. They like hanging around in trees with abseiling gear, so this is not entirely strange. But this laundry hanging place covered an enormous area and they'd hung EVERYTHING out - there was a collection of fluffy ugg boots, the clothes were all colour-coded...

Then I was at my old church and they did the robot dance (actions were on the powerpoint... actually I think it was an overhead projector) during the service. I sat under a table.

Oh yes, I'm here by the way. Off to my placement in half an hour or so...