Someone has cleaned out the pipes

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 20 November 2008 12:14:24

The internet is running rather fast right now. It could be because there was just a rather big storm and it flushed out the internet pipes. Perhaps. Or maybe because lots of people have gone to bed and aren't using the 3G network at the moment. I am now fairly certain that the Optus software isn't very good at calculating download amounts as it says that I have downloaded 31Gb on a 2Gb prepaid modem in 2.5 weeks... with an average speed that is less than dial-up. And less than 30 gig spare on my hard drive come to think of it...

In other news, Pooka has been getting good reports from the dog walkers. They think she's lovely (I already knew that) and she plays very well with the other dogs and also likes to go back to the person for a nuzzle every once in a while. She does pull a bit on the lead, however is not being disciplined (with a halty collar) at the moment due to her face infection thing. I want to see the morning scene when they come to pick her up with her friends in the back - apparently she jumps in with no coaxing and there is much wagging of tails all round.