
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 13 February 2004 11:57:39

Another fun filled weekend ahead. There are altogether too many weddings and engagements and assorted other events at the moment. And work. Yay for work. Work for Yay.

Although, I did realise on the way home (during my record breaking journey) that I undercalculated my percentage of hours! It occurred to me that there were probably 4 weeks between Jan 19 and Feb 13. And indeed there were! It's actually closer to 7.5%. Which is three quarters of the way to 10%!!

Today's busker is the cello girl - she is well dressed, with quite nice equipment (sits on a chair not a milk crate) and probably about 18 years old. She plays quite well although has a very basic repertoire (has trouble jumping octaves... not sure how hard that is on a cello though I must say). A very pleasant way to start the morning actually.

An update on the Tracy Chapman on speed guy - this morning he was back (still there from last night?) and was playing Beatles songs quite enthusiastically. Other end to the cello girl though.

This afternoon I bypassed the tunnel because I couldn't face walking down it. It's so long...