Church marathon

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 23 March 2008 11:25:56

So since Thursday I have been to five church services. Which sounds excessive (and probably is) however the problem was that they were all totally different and it was hard to work out which ones to go to.

Thursday night was a contemplative thing where the lights all went out
Friday morning was a Good Friday service Baptist-style
Sunday very early was sunrise service on the headland
Sunday less early was the regular Easter Sunday service Baptist-style (oh my one of the Easter classics had me in lots of giggles!)
Sunday evening was the Sunday evening service.

They all had different sermons and music styles and foci... and I'm glad I went to all of them. Particularly the sunrise service.

Tomorrow is work from 9-6. And sadly I have not achieved my aim of doing something about the garbage tip in my room over the long weekend. Ah well. Maybe for the Queens birthday weekend. Or Anzac day! Or the week off in May...

In other news, I have now finished a quarter of third year. Woot!