I am turning into my father

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 03 October 2004 07:30:30

I always used to mock my father for his travelling maladies. He would start with a sore toe which would progress to his knee then up to his shoulder then down the other side of the body ending up as an ingrown toenail. However my sore throat turned into a productive cough and now is a sinus headache. I was quite pleased when my mother told me that it's a sinus headache because I thought that I had acute angle glaucoma and my eyes were about to explode. But no. My vision is safe, although blurred as I haven't put my contacts in.

My bible study leader called today and asked what I thought we should do on Tuesday as half the group is away. I suggested that we don't do anything and resume next week. This was seen to be a better suggestion than those already made so hurrah!!

Yeah. Sleeping all day does not provide particularly good wiblog fodder does it? Sorry about that! Oh I can give one observation...

I was on my way to work the other day and came across a Japanese tourist taking a picture of his (I assume) wife in front of some old (by Sydney terms) building. Why don't they smile for photos? Very odd. Well anyway, I noticed at his feet a couple of shopping bags. One was chock full of Tim Tams - about 12 packs. Fair enough. Tim Tams are a good thing to take home to the rellies. The other bag contained three enormous tins of International Roast instant coffee. I am not a coffee drinker but I know that International Roast is what's served at camps, churches (fair trade hasn't caught on much here) and schools. It is not something our nation is proud of. Really.