idle monday

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 October 2004 05:32:19

Have resolved not to have any daytime sleeps today. Doing ok. Have been awake for a good 6 hours with no snoozes!

Saw the Princess Diaries 2 last night. Thinking of seeing it?? Don't. Trust me. Well ok, I had some laughs. And I didn't need to use my brain at all. But yeah... I could think of better ways to spend $9.50.

Just made a quick trip to a shopping centre. Had vague ideas of buying summer clothes and a new phone but sadly there were no clothes with the yay seal of approval. And I figured that as the phone isn't urgent I'll wait a while til it drops in price. It was quite fun though because there was a partial blackout while we were there. I thought it would be fun to shout "the end is near! Turn back to God!". Sadly no-one did.