a Very Busy Day

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 30 October 2004 08:55:10

Despite losing an hour of existence sometime very soon, I woke up quite early today. 7:40 is early for a Saturday. The first few steps of my plan went well. However by 9:30 I was tired and went back to bed. Then woke again at 11:30 and found that my brothers were going cymbal stand shopping. I'm always up for a trip to a drum shop so yes. Did that. Then came home and was tired again so had another sleep. Now I am awake again and will be going to the movies in approximately 45 minutes. Surely nothing could be as bad as the Princess Diaries 2. SURELY!

Thanks deelea for pointing out my clock dyslexia. I will indeed do whatever I'm supposed to do. I shall know when I wake at some unearthly hour tomorrow that I have made the appropriate er... adjustment. If I wake and it is nice and sunny and warm yet still early in the morning according to my clock I will have to then move my clock forward two hours. Ah well.

Oh yes, my food obsessions have broadened a bit. I am living on almonds, tuna and still the little red boxes of sultanas and pineapple. Not all together you understand. Although I can combine the almonds and fruit. Just not the tuna. Oh and I am still eating yoghurt. Apparently tuna and almonds are good for cholesterol levels. As in they make them go down (the phrase "good for cholesterol levels" could be interpreted in a number of ways depending on whose perspective you look at it from). We shall see.

The End.