today I was one of "those" people

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 10 December 2004 12:22:35

You know the ones, who eat hot chips and burgers on the train when you're starving and haven't eaten for hours and call people on their mobile and say "I'm on the train at X". Gah. They annoy me so much! Yet now I must be more tolerant as I was briefly one of them.

In my defence, it took me 2 hours to get home today. I waited for a bus for forty minutes. Which is quite a long time really as buses usually come every 5 minutes. And it was pouring. An hour after I left work I was almost in the city. Then it's another 40 minutes on the train once I get to the city. As I knew I had to go out as soon as I got home I had to get some takeaway because I was rather peckish. Yet because I was running so late I had to get take away and eat it on the train. Then I had to call my house to sort out various issues associated with being late. Then I had to call again because I remembered that I had a bag full of cheese and hence would need to go home before going out again. I was also very wet and wanted to put on some dry clothes.

So there I was, eating food that smelt really good and yabbering on my mobile. To the other passengers on the top level of my carriage, I apologise. Although you all had people to talk to and didn't notice and probably aren't as intolerant as I am anyway.