TOBM #9: I'm going to bed

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 06 January 2005 10:56:22

Time for this Yay to go to bed. I realise that I haven't said much about what actually happens during the days of mission. But as a cook, I don't really see much of those things. And this is MY account of my time away. It would be mere speculation for me to talk about er... stuff with children (*shudder*).

For the record, I am very fond of children, just not in large numbers and when action songs are involved.

But yes, it was a wonderful time away and I was very blessed by the people I hung out with, by the team bible studies (a refreshing change from what I am used to - a change is as good as a holiday!), by lots of singing and laughing with my brothers and sisters and oh so many other things.

Anyone starting here should probably scroll down to entry one and start there.... but truly, I don't care if you don't. I am not into micromanagement.