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Tags: observations

Date: 19 March 2006 21:53:00

Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much. Robert Greeleaf

People who will sit in silence with us are the rarest kind of friend. In fact as the world finds newer and newer ways to talk to itself, they're becoming an endangered species. Why do we rush to talk? I suppose we want to share ourselves. To be known. But there is a better kind of knowing in silence sometimes. If I can be silent with someone it means I trust them. So are our endless streams of talk a sign of distrust? That thought frightens me. The whole world is going mad. There have been times when I've had this in my life. I'm sure I remember warm sunlit rooms, open books, closed eyes, and gentle, honest, vulnerable silence. Did I dream it? I'm sure it was real. But it seems so far off now.
A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words. Rachel Naomi Remen