I give up

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 June 2007 09:28:00

Well, I'm all set for work, finally. I've got my coffee, I've got to the lab. I have a LOT to do today. Job interview at 4, my sister's wedding rehearsal at 6.30, then somehow have to get halfway across the city to the next group meeting about the Borg book I'm reading. And I've got mountains of work left to do here, or so it feels, before I finish the PGDip. And I've just heard that I have another appointment at 2.

SO before I begin, before I plunge into this whitewater mess, I just want to say one thing. Inspired by spotting a newspaper headline on the way through the station.

Today, as far as I'm concerned, David and Victoria Beckham are fabulous, okay? I don't care. I know they earn far too much money, I know they're not why we have newspapers, I know she's too thin, and I know everything else too. And I don't care. In fact I'm starting to enjoy it. It's CAMP, people. It's not REAL. It's supposed to be FUNNY. And frankly if he does get a knighthood, which would be pretty appropriate for a former England captain, and they DO become Sir David and Lady Victoria Beckham, it would be BRILLIANT. Because they've been about FOURTEEN TIMES as entertaining as ANY proper posh couple have.

There. I've said it. Next time you approach me on the issue, no doubt I'll start whinging about how it's ridiculous for anyone to earn so much, and they're not real news, and etc. But you just remember that on a muggy, drizzly Monday morning, with a stomach bug and a fever, on my way to make futile war on an insurmountable heap of work, ROSSWAS CHEERED UP, AGAINST HIS WILL, BY THE SIGHT OF THE BECKHAMS' STUPID GRINNING FACES. As long as there are people in the world who have never read a book until they read their own autobiography, maybe there is some point in going on.