
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 29 March 2006 03:53:00

Softly strangled among
Gameshows and cartoons
Noiseless I speak
Can’t you hear me 
And hating myself
Panic sadly as I drown
You can't hear me.

The box laughs and shouts, and I flail
I wave and smile desperately 
Through a thick glass wall of understanding
We communicate by semaphore
Is the child alright
Yes, the child’s alright

If I’m asked, I’ll smile. I’ll talk about my daughter, how she’s starting school, and we’ll chat. There’ll be anecdotes. I’ll be warm and I’ll make you laugh, and you will never know, you won’t have the slightest idea. 
You can’t hear me, because I must make sure of it.
Nobody could bear screams like these.
It might wake the child, and
isn’t it better to sleep?

The night is long at this age
And the silence quite unbroken
A rapt body caught in light
My words drift silent to a distant surface
Can’t You hear me 
I'm dying
But there’s no reply. The morning comes instead.
Surely it can't go on. 
Surely  today, or tomorrow, I’ll die over cornflakes,
Doctors muttering vaguely about
My heart.