
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 26 September 2008 09:51:20

Its been one of those weeks that hasn't got any calmer or less stressful. I would now like to spend a few days on my own (or even better, with Mr WF) doing nothing at home. I can't for several reasons. Firstly, our house is a building site and I'm finding it all quite stressful (even though the electricians are wonderfully good at clearing up at the end of the day). And secondly, I am off to London this afternoon to be a ridesmaid at a wedding (which I am excited about but am trying to muster up the emotional and physical energy that it will require.

Did I mention Alpha this week? I am helping to lead a small group at our church's Alpha course. I was expecting it to me tiring but what happened this week was beyond anything I could imagine. Without going into too many gory details, two members of my small group (who both suffer from psychiatric problems) slit their wrists outside the church during the meal. Needless to say, it was traumatic for all involved. I spent most of the evening trying to clear up the blood. My head is still spinning. And my heart goes out to those two lovely ladies who felt so desperate that they had to do something so drastic. Sometimes, I really don't like the world that I am living in.

And now I need to switch modes into excited, happy, calming wedding mode. Don't get me wrong, I am excited and happy. It just seems to be a little bit buried under all the other emotions of the week. I'll post photos next week as I do have a totally gorgeous dress to wear though!