Does anyone else...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 01 October 2007 15:34:03

...find it really hard to blog when you've been away for a while. So much has happened in the past few weeks that I can't come up with any witty anecdotes or amusing stories to entertain you with. So, in a brief and unentertaining manner, here is what I have been up to:
A holiday - it was lovely
Viewing 10 houses in one day up North (Birmingham) - exhausting and not very fruitful
Starting new job in mental health promotion - currently quite dull (am hoping things will get a bit busier and more exciting)
Endless tidying of flat for very few viewings - disappointing.

And now that I have got over the hurdle on The First Post After a While of Not Posting, I can attempt to write something interesting next time.