Today's journey

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 27 December 2004 13:45:55

The Blogger Idoltopic this week is on travel. Today was an amazing day, even if it was just driving home.

Watching rain fall from the sky is so much more impressive than Niagara Falls. Driving over brown hills, feather topped grasses waving in the wind, the bluest sky and the hugest, massivest piles of the whitest shining clouds piled up on top of each other, just more cloud and more cloud heaped up, scooped up on top of cloud. You could just tell it was massive, so much bigger than the hills, and holding vast quantities of water. Water held back by air. How can this be? A spiritual masterpiece. And off in the distance the darkest grey blanket spreading over the mountains, which were obsured by the sheet of rain that fell over them. The light got darker as we drove towards them, then we drove right into it. Wipers on, headlights on, and then out the other side, into the thick white steam rising off the road. Six times this happened. Off in the distance I could see water falling from the sky, like the longest water fall in the world, from a dam of clouds suspended in the sky. Watched and marvelled at by so few. Such a majestic beauty, occuring so subtley, with the only fanfare a low thunder rumble and white hail.