Strange rituals

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 22 January 2005 14:05:52

Church tomorrow. I don't want to go, cos you have to go up the front and drink from the one cup in someone else's hands and have someone else put bread on your tongue. How strange is that? The last time someone held my glass for me was when I was a baby.

It was being explained to me that they share this meal every week at this church, but this is to be the first time since Christmas because the minister is away. Apparently you need a degree in Theology to bless the bread and wine before anyone can eat it in a public setting. To this I replied, after a thoughtful pause, "Well, that sucks." So much for joining in the culture and tradition of my new brothers and sisters in Christ. I recovered slightly saying, "that's a bit weird, but I can do weird. I'm willing to give it a shot." But I'm not really. I don't want to go and participate in strange rituals in front of everyone. I need someone to come and hold my hand.

What kind of missionary would I be, if I won't participate in a meal that I have been witnessing since birth and taking part in since I was 14, simply because it has a few different motions attached to it? Christians are good folk generally, once they get the Holy Spirit guiding them. I'm sure most people at this new church will accept me, even if I don't take this strange communion meal. But if I was a guest in a culture new to me, would people be so accepting if I refused to participate in their customs. Or worse still, would I tell people how they must remember the death of Jesus, importing my church culture into their new and developing relationship with Jesus, regardless of the relevance of such actions in their own culture.

Well damn it, I'm going to do it. I'm going to let someone feed me communion for the sake of my brothers and sisters. I'm still scared, but it's the least I can do to join with others whom I'd like to become my family.