Packing up in the rain

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Date: 13 June 2005 11:28:47

Back from camping. Beautiful weather. Rained just before packing up the tent. And it rained for the next half an hour. But, as you will know from reading Ian's blog, it's not good manners to complain about the rain. Whenever it rains you must say something positive like, "It's good to see the rain," or at very least, "Still, can't complain about the rain."
A dad told me once that you can tell his son had been born during a drought because he really hates to be in the rain. I've been checking this out everytime a see a kid under five in the rain. It seems to be true. None of them like the rain. And mostly they've only been in a light drizzle.
Check this verse out from the Flaming Fire Illustrated Bible. The artist's comment made an impression on me, "I always feel the presence of God in the advent of rain."