Flylady has not been my saviour

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 July 2005 00:35:58

Those of you who have followed my blog from the start know that I am unordered when it comes to practical things. I found the flylady on the net with her detailed plan to get things organised and tidy around the house.
So I've raised my standards. I like things tidy. I like things to have their place. I want my house tidy. And so now I live with a constant tension that I want things clean but they're not.
I must give thanks to flylady, because I can get things tidy now. I know how. But I do want to do more with my life than have a tidy house. I want to sit down for a bit after dinner - not clean until I go to bed.
So all in all I've learnt how to clean my house, and I've added to my life a boiling tension and tightness that sometimes threatens to burst out of my mouth and the top of my head.
I'm sure at some stage I'll work the balance out.