Searching for ... something

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 05 October 2005 04:55:32

If I ended world hunger three weeks ago, I'd be bored already. And I'd be moaning about how I'd never done anything with my life. When people said, "But you ended world hunger," I'd say, "Oh yeah, there was that, but that was three weeks ago. What am I doing now? Nothing."

I'm not searching for meaning, possibly I'm searching for significance, or maybe I just want attention!;-)

I wouldn't mind being an expert at something. People would want me to come and help them and I'd work out new systems for them and then everything would work really well for them.

But then I'd get old, and out of date, and at my funeral my children would talk about all the stuff I did a long time ago but no one would really understand, it would just be a bunch of stuff that happened years ago.

So all that's really left, is to be a person people like spending time with, to make a difference in at least one person's life everyday, and to pray a lot so that when I die the spiritual landscape of the world has been changed for the better, and that would make a difference for eternity. God's memory is long and his understanding intimate.