Commonwealth games party

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 27 March 2006 03:21:11

I've been hanging out in the city for the Commonwealth Games party. What a party! The weather has been great, it was 30 C yesterday. We walked along the Yarra River, watched the sound and light show involving giant scultpures of fish each representing a country of the Commonwealth. Australia had an eel, which the Aboriginal people would catch in the Yarra at this time of year, before strangers came and filled the Yarra full of crud of course. Wales had a carp. Sorry England, I can't remember yours. The night was balmy, the whole place was lit up, the river flowed, acrobats swung through the air, circus troups performed, drummers from around the Commonwealth drummed, and people were everywhere. The toilets were clean and many, (makes all the difference to a good night out!) and crowd control friendly and there were volunteers everywhere to answer every question. I missed the Luminarium though, which I really wanted to go to after reading Jack's description quite a while ago.

Then, being sick, as could be expected after being just a little stressed, I decided to go camping. That was great too. Again great weather. Camped at the top of a hill under the shade of some trees, looked over a fantastic view of rolling hills, read a few pages of a few books, and lay around doing nothing for two days. Fantastic.

Oh yeah, and I decided to become Orthodox.