Cooking disasters

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Date: 08 February 2007 01:23:22

It was 38 C so I decided to roast my defrosted leg of lamb in my hooded barbeque. I turned on the burners to heat it up. Looking up from the kitchen I notice smoke pouring out of the barbie. I rushed out to find the fat in the ceramic rock thingys on fire. It's a total fire ban day and my barbeque is on fire. So I decided to squirt the hose on it. I lifted up the hood, and thought twice. If I squirt a fire on a hot barbeque plate, I might burn my self with all the steam that will be created. So I squirted the water through the little air hole place. Steam went everywhere, and the oil on the plate caught on fire. I'm glad I kept the hood down.
After the fire went out, I went inside to check that I really could have a barbeque on a total fire ban day. I check this every time, but I checked again. Yes, as long as it's so many metres from a permanent dwelling, and there's no flammable material within so many metres, there's a hose nearby, and it's supervised by an adult. Check, check, check, check.
Heat back on and turned down, roast in and cooking nicely I think. After the early scares, I peeled potatoes in the backyard watching the barbeque. After an hour on constant checking on the lamb, I decided it was cooking, and stopped checking. I think this must have been about the time it ran out of gas.
Grabbed the spare gas bottle, hooked it up, heated up the BBQ again, and three hours after starting, we finally ate the lamb. It was very nice.
It's a bit late for Australia Day, but if you'd like to try some, cover a leg of lamb in a thick coating of vegemite and roast as usual. Apparently it's very nice too.