
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 28 September 2008 08:07:49

I am drowning under the chaos of my stuff.

I have got to get rid of everything.

We went off on a little church weekend thing to talk about business. It was so great to be in a little cottage with no stuff. Although I guess I couldn't really get through life with just the clothes on my back could I?

I think our little weekend showed what a dysfunctional bunch we are and that we're all too afraid to be who we really are in case we upset anyone - well not all of us. One of us is not afraid to be who he really is and some people got upset. So there you go. The fears are not unfounded. Of course I say that with great affection and we're not giving up, but we've got quite a long way to go to be like the disciples in the book of Acts.

It was quite a practical weekend. I think I would have preferred to be more philosophical - you know, come up with mission statements, and talk about what or who is our mission and why are we here on earth, and that kind of thing, not so much who wants to make up the roster on who's going to make up the rosters. Luckily though, there are people who do want to do that stuff, or that stuff would not get done.

We are holding an African dinner and documentary showing next week. So I'm writing newspaper articles about that instead of throwing out stuff. Maybe if I get that done, I'll write an article about throwing out stuff. Anything to avoid doing it.

P.S. Praying over the nectarine tree. It's still got leaf curl. Have now picked every curled leaf off the plant.