
Categories: news-from-depressionland

Tags: exercise, homework, grouchiness

Date: 08 November 2010 17:43:39

Just posted a really grouchy comment on someone else's blog about my husband (I mean the comment was about my husband, not the blog - why would someone else be blogging about my husband? that would be really worrying). I expect he'll start reading my blog again now and will find this out. Sorry.

I am not doing very well just now. My therapist wants me to walk at least 10 mins five times a week. Since I last saw her I have swum once (with a lot of walking afterwards), walked to choir and then to opticians, had one day with no exercise at all, and managed a 10 minute walk round the block today. So that's three in four days - not too bad. I still don't feel any better though - have been feeling absolutely crap since yesterday. Getting homework out of son is getting worse and worse. I think we need to speak to the school again. Except that all they do is suggest more things we have to do. Why can't the teachers tackle this? I don't pay my taxes so as to educate him myself...