The parable of the....

Categories: the-parable-of

Tags: watch, fixing

Date: 07 January 2010 17:38:37 that didn't need fixing. On New Year's day, sitting idly at my desk, I thought 'Oh, I must move on the date window on my old fashioned analogue watch with a face and a date window'. So I pulled out the knob and twiddled it (as it were) and then peered at the very tiny window, only to discover with alarm that it now said '2'. At which point I realized that in fact the only time I need to advance the date manually is when the previous month has had only 30 (or 28) days in it, and December has 31, so in fact my watch had already, automatically, said '1'. Now I had to sit there for hours going through the entire month to get back to 1. And as the watch also has a day and night setting ( a little window where a sun, or alternatively moon, comes up), I had to go through all twelve hours twice for each day. Which took ages.

Memo to self: before fixing, check whether what you want to fix is actually broken. There's a lesson in this, I'm sure....