
Categories: news-from-depressionland

Tags: therapist, charts, achievement, pleasure.

Date: 15 October 2009 16:51:41

As one of the tasks allocated by the CBT therapist, I have to note down what I do for each hour of the day and rate it on a scale of 1-10 for sense of achievement, and pleasure. This is by no means easy. First of all, it took me three attempts to draw up a reasonably usable chart, and this scored 0 on the pleasure scale as it took me back to having to do charts at school, a task I hated (show me a ruler and a pen and I will show you a series of wobbly, slanted lines with several blots). Secondly, my activities at the moment don't really fit into neat slots; I might be doing four totally different activities in the course of an hour. Thirdly, how on earth do I rate the achievement and pleasure scores for taking my son to the dentist or spending five minutes playing Scrabble on Facebook? I am reduced to putting down totally random numbers. And I have run out of space to add 'writing my blog' between 1700 and 1800 hours, because the space is full of all the other things I did in that hour. Sigh...