Too much too old

Categories: news-from-depressionland

Date: 01 October 2009 16:29:31

All sorts of interesting opportunities for work, networking, and support, are suddenly appearing all at once. Anyone who finds themselves with spare prayer time is very welcome to pray that I work out which ones are worth pursuing and don't end up overwhelmed by them all. Looking for a balanced life is the key. So many ideas, so many commitments, so little energy and time.

One of the interesting things is a 'blogging group' for writers, which a writer friend accidentally let me know about. Only it is just for children's writers, which is why she didn't let me know about it deliberately. I like the idea though. But I am also investigating a 'real life' local writers' group which meets for occasional Saturdays. And of course I could always re-join the Christian writers' email group I used to belong to. But then there's also the holocaust survivors' second generation group, and the group for parents of gifted and talented children with autistic spectrum conditions - not to mention the church environmental group.. you see my problem. Not to mention the brilliant idea I've had for promoting my depression book and setting up a more open depression support group at the same time - but I'm not going to mention that.