Take one free massage

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 July 2008 20:21:53

With which I started my day (OK, not free really but at a cost of £5 entry to the carers' relaxation day, which also included drinks and lunch).

Add a certain amount of time just sitting with a cup of coffee and doing the crossword. Mix carefully with an hour's counselling session, followed by tea at a previously untried café (I'm always game for a new café) and finishing off last week's SuDoku. Sprinkle in a little window shopping and trying on three pairs of sandals I don't need, and then marinate thoroughly in a swimming pool (ten lengths) followed by a short soak in a jacuzzi. Finally, top with dinner made by husband, and no urgency about the washing up. Result: a very satisfactory and restorative day off.