Not in love

Categories: musings

Tags: God, poetry, love

Date: 13 May 2009 16:19:59

Something strange is happening to me. Having spent my entire life having unrequited crushes on one man or another, for the last few years (not sure how long) I have suddenly discovered I'm not in love with anyone. I think this is probably good (and I'm sure my husband appreciates it). But I also haven't written a single completed poem in that time. Could the two be connected? Do I have to carry a hopeless torch for someone in order to write poetry? (Or is the dearth of poetry from me a gift to the world?)

Actually, I haven't really written any poetry since I won first prize in the Barnet Open poetry comp four years ago. This could also be connected - now I've won a first, I've stopped trying. Or it could be that the prose and poetry workshop I went to for a while has completely killed my poetic inspiration (it certainly didn't help it).

To return to the torch-carrying subject, it does sometimes feel as though I am having an unrequited relationship with God. But not always.