Glory in the High St

Categories: rejoice-with-me

Tags: shopping, hats, sleep clinic

Date: 26 November 2008 23:17:43

No, this isn't one of those clever Christmas slogans. I wish to announce that as of today I have a new Hat of Glory. Not quite as glorious as the one I left on the Tube, since it's only one colour and that had several woven together, but this one is red and sparkly with a cheeky peak, and looks rather good with my purple sparkly scarf and gloves. Not only that but it was the last one left in the shop, and it was 20% off.

Today has been another good day. Finally made it to the sleep clinic to try on my jaw splint - the bottom halff was fine but the top half goes back too far in my mouth and makes me gag. The doc is going to get the ends cut off and I will try again in two weeks. Feels like progress. I then explored the new shops in St Pancras station, bought a new electric toothbrush, went partway home, got off the bus and bought some lovely organic bread, a pickle fork and aforesaid hat. I do love 'the run-up to Christmas'! (Advent is quite good too...)