A puzzle

Categories: news-from-depressionland, musings

Tags: mood, puzzlement

Date: 24 November 2008 10:48:02

So what I'm trying to work out is this:

Is it a) that things go better when I am feeling better or b) that I feel better when things* go better? And contrarywise, as Tweedledum would say, is it that things* go worse when I'm feeling worse, or that I feel worse when things* go worse? All I can say is that when I'm feeling good, all sorts of little things* go right, and when I'm feeling bad, things* seem to go from bad to worse. But which is chicken and which is egg - well that's a mystery.

And if I could solve this conundrum, would I have the secret of feeling good all the time?

*('things' meaning everyday occurrences, like whether the bus comes on time or whether I have the correct change for the pay and display).