Since you asked...

Categories: 20-questions

Tags: preaching, inclusion

Date: 19 November 2008 16:23:05

... I will explain some of the incidents on my list of 18/11/08, in random order and only one explanation per post:

6. It was a well known temple of charismania in the north of England. I was with a team running a weekend on gender issues and Christian feminism. The team had asked me to preach on the Sunday. I chose to preach on the Syro-Phoenician (or Canaanite) woman, the only person recorded as apparently changing Jesus' mind for him. I talked about issues of inclusion and exclusion.

After the service as I descended the aisle I heard one old lady say to another: 'This church is going from bad to worse'. But then a man buttonholed me and said he was gay but had never dared tell anyone at church, and my sermon was the first time he had felt included. 'Ah,' I thought, 'that's who I was preaching for'.